We are a group of returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Friends of DR Congo. Our group exists to:
ASSIST DR Congo by fundraising for organizations with Peace Corps connections
INFORM others about this great country, its people, culture and our shared friendships
NETWORK by sponsoring social interaction with Congolese and RPCVs from DR Congo

At Peace Corps Friends of DR Congo, we are dedicated to supporting organizations that help the Congolese in educational, medial or social issues. We help raise money for children who need prostheses, and support those building and modernizing schools. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we gave a grant to an organization providing masks to moto-taxi drivers to keep them on the roads in Goma.
Friends of Congo DRC holds quarterly meetups with our members and guest speakers to exchange updates about current affairs, happenings in our former posts and fundraising efforts. Our April 2023 Zoom conference included a talk by Jason Stearns, author of The War Doesn't Says Its Name & Dancing in the Glory of Monsters

The Third Goal of the Peace Corps Mission is to help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. We have built a healthy network through our social platforms to help promote the Third Goal, reach out to Congolese friends and support one another.
"You just can't imagine how a smile, a simple handshake, to just tell them 'be encouraged' is important to them. To feel they are loved, to feel they can finally find love and affection." Denis Mukwege