Able & Willing
Read the Fall 2019 Newsletter to learn more about Able & Willing, another organization that we support.
Jim Carpenter is a co-founder and active participant in Able & Willing; his wife served in Senegal for two years as a Peace Corps recruiter. Ruth Schneider, another co-founder of Able & Willing, served in the Peace Corps in Zaire during the 80's in the village of Nyembo, territory of Kabongo. Although Ruth is no longer with the project, she helped it get started during the critical years from 1994-2005.

L to R: Andre (helpful visitor), Jim, Delphin (English teacher), Joseph (Computer teacher)
Jim recently told Friends:
"Co-founder Mbuyu Wa Mbuyu (aka, Puma) still leads the project and is the driving force behind the many amazing projects. Last year, Puma lead a team to the Kabongo territory to build seven schools and a voting center. The school (K-12 and technical school) continues to flourish and has totally changed the once-rural village. Puma has introduced many successful programs to promote education and build community. I am impressed by his technical and leadership skills. I look forward to assisting him for many years.
"Each year Puma returns from the Congo, we've come to expect reports of historic accomplishments. Like a power substation for a village, a 3-acre community market, the first tennis and basketball courts in a school, organizing regional youth activities like Boy & Girl Scouts and sports leagues for soccer and tennis.
"In 2017 he reached a new level: seven schools and a regional polling center in a neglected, war-ravaged region of Congo that hasn't seen a new government building since the colonial era ended in 1960!
First new road in 50 years! Puma (above in striped shirt and hat) with Chief Kobongo IV (center) and (to his right) the territory administrator walk with friends on new "Ave. of Pioneer Builder WaMbuyu Puma."
"I have traveled to our project site near Lubumbashi five times since 2002, mostly to set up and upgrade the computer learning lab. I am the treasurer and technical adviser.
"We thank Friends of Congo for support over the years."